Monday 12 November 2012


When we first discovered Hollyhoque, it was still a modest online blogshop with a young pretty model who is also the founder and owner of Hollyhoque. Life is certainly unfair in many ways, for her to be blessed with such good looks and capability to bring Hollyhoque to its current status today. We also enjoy reading her own personal blog where she describes the food places she visit and her daily outfits! 

Anyway Hollyhoque is an established online shop today with a strong fan base and a brick and mortar shop at Far East #01-31. The boutique is a recent addition and we love the decoration in the shop with the cute birdie decals and neat wooden racks. We love online shopping but nothing beats the feeling of trying on a dress before purchasing so we were excited to know that Hollyhoque has its own boutique!

There's another thing we like about Hollyhoque - the lookbook pictures! Every lookbook has a special theme, be it Parisian chic, vintage, grassy wilderness or minimalist. We really enjoy scrolling through their Boutique Lookbook because it's just so attractive! Here are a couple of shots we are especially fond of.

We love the lighting in this shot! Feels like dusk in the lush green wilderness. Great contrast and the dress fits the model wonderfully. We love the lace pattern on the bodice and the cut of the dress makes it appropriate for work and play.

Doesn't this shot make you long for a day in a nice wooden cottage away from the city, dressed in casual chic, reading a book and sipping some English tea? Feels so laid back and casual.

White ornate pillars and pastel colored clothes emit a feminine Parisian chic. The Plain Jane Buttons shirt looks so comfy! And we love the coral shade of the skorts too.

As for the clothes, we personally enjoy shopping with Hollyhoque for jackets and blazers because the cut is really good and form-fitting. This is our favourite jacket so far.

The Casual Slim Fit blazer comes in white, electric blue and fuchsia. But we are getting bored of the usual black and white blazers so we opted for the electric blue one as it matches well with jeans. The material is really good too. Comfy, not too thick but keeps you sufficiently warm.

All the beautiful photos are credited to Hollyhoque

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